Nepal is a small land locked country in south-east Asia. The country is bordered by India at the east, south and west, and by China at the north. Despite its size, Nepal is considered as one of the best tourist destinations in the world. There are so many interesting things to see and do in Nepal. In this blog, however, we’ll cover 7 Interesting Facts about Nepal. So, here they are-
7 Interesting Facts about Nepal
#1. A Triangular National Flag
One of the most interesting things about Nepal is the shape of it national flag. While the flags of all the other countries in the world are quadrilateral in shape, the shape of Nepal’s national flag is triangular. As a matter of fact, the flag looks like two triangles connected at an angle, one on top of another. Roughly, the shape looks like the alphabet ‘W’ turned horizontal.

The colors used in the flag are red, white and blue. A crescent moon is drawn on the upper triangle, while a sun is drawn on the triangle at the bottom. The heavenly bodies on the flag symbolize that Nepal will remain a sovereign state, as long as the sun and moon exist in the sky.
#2. Tallest Mountains in the World
Another interesting fact about the country is that the tallest mountain in the world, Mt. Everest, which stands at a staggering height of 8848 m, happens to be located in Nepal. Hundreds of mountaineers from all across the world travel to this nation to try and ascend this humongous peak.

Not just Mt. Everest, as a matter of fact, 8 to the 10 tallest peaks in the world happens to fall in Nepal. These peaks include Mt. Kanchenjunga (8586 m), Mt. Lhotse (8516 m), Mt. Makalu (8481 m), Mt. Cho Oyu (8188 m), Mt. Dhaulagiri (8167 m), Mt Manaslu (8163 m), and Mt. Annapurna (8091 m)
#3. Diverse Altogether
Nepal is a diverse country from many aspects. It has a rough width of 200 km, going from south to north, and it has three major landscapes- Plains, Hills and the Mountains. The landscape rapidly elevates starting from 80 m above sea level in the plains to 8848 m in the Himalayas. Also, there are 5 climatic zones in Nepal, from sub-tropical to arctic.

Due to the difference in altitude, climate and landscape, the country harbors numerous rich and diverse ecosystems. There are around 208 species of mammals, 900 species of birds, numerous species of reptiles and invertebrates, along with 5067 species of plants, found in the country. These flora and fauna exist both in and out of the 28 protected areas in Nepal.
The state is also known to consist of a diverse population that’s multilingual, multicultural, and multiethnic. The people live together with tolerance, cooperation, peace, and harmony.
#4. The Home of the Living Goddess
The country is also known as the Home of the Living Goddess, or ‘Kumari’ in local language. In Newari culture, which is one of the oldest and most prominent cultures in Nepal, a pre-pubescent girl is selected and appointed as Kumari. She is then worshipped as a goddess for as long as her menstruation doesn’t begin. Search, selection and appointment of Kumari is performed in old Newari settlements like Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Patan.
Living Goddess or Kumari In Nepal – One of the 7 Interesting Facts about NepalA ‘Kumari’ is considered as the incarnation of Hindu goddess Taleju. After a girl is appointed a ‘Kumari’, she has to spend her tenure in an allocated Kumari Palace, which is unique as per the settlement. ‘Kumari’ is worshipped mainly during Durga Puja.
#5. The Legend of Yeti
Nepal is full of legends, folk tales and mysteries. One of the most famous legends in the nation is that of a Yeti. Also known as Abominable Snowman, this creature is believed to have once lived in the Himalayas. Resembling an ape, a yeti is considered to be 10 ft. tall, with white fur covering its entire body.

When climbers first started exploring the Himalayas, there were various reports of a creature matching this description walking in the mountains. While few simply heard the stories of yeti from their fellow climbers, only a limited number of people claim to have seen it.

The foot prints of yeti have also been found in the Himalayas, which is said to prove its existence. Also, in one of the museums in the Khumbu region in Nepal, the scalp of a yeti has been safely preserved. This relic, however, dates back to over a hundred years. This is really the most interesting one among the 7 Interesting Facts about Nepal.
#6. Birth Place of Gautam Buddha
The country has been the place of birth of many significant people, the most renowned one among them is Gautam Buddha. The man, who attained salvation and taught people how to walk on the path of peace, and attain salvation, was born in Lumbini, located in the southwest region of Nepal.

The founder of Buddhism is one of the most influential individuals in all of human history. People from all over the world follow his way of life, with a hope to find the answers of the questions that matter, and attain salvation, the way he did.
#7. The Sherpas and the Gurkhas
Two of the most well-known groups of people in the world are originally from Nepal. The first one are the Gurkhas. These are the people who work as soldiers in the armies of countries like India and England, and in UN troops. The Gurkhas are known for their bravery all over the world, and probably that’s the reason why there is a separate regiment of Gurkha soldiers in these countries and organizations. Gurkhas got their name from Gorkha, which is a district in Nepal. The region was once an independent country, and their soldiers were considered to be the fiercest in all of Nepal.

The second group of people are the Sherpas, who are considered as naturally gifted climbers, which makes them the best in the world. This is another well knows facts among the 7 Interesting Facts about Nepal. Though not proven, it is believed that they consume less oxygen than average people from other parts of the world, which makes them capable of surviving in high altitude with ease. The reason for this is considered to be their birth and bringing up in the mountains. Sherpas are indigenous to Nepal, and a lot of them work as guides, assisting the climbers during expeditions.

So, these were the 7 interesting facts about Nepal. There are so many other things apart from the ones mentioned above that make this country truly amazing. We hope that you found this blog informative and interesting, and that it motivated you to consider this country as your next holiday destination. Feel free to share your experience with us if you have been to Nepal or submit your Query to us in case you are planning to visit Nepal.
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